Licensing Policy
Our website provides free downloads that are strictly for personal, non-commercial, and educational use only. Redistribution, sale, or any form of commercial use of our printables from is strictly prohibited.
License Agreement & Terms of Use
This License Agreement (“The Agreement”) governs the use of digital content (“Items”) from our site. Please review The Agreement carefully before downloading, purchasing, or using any Items. By interacting with any Item, you agree to comply with this license and its terms. retains the authority to alter these conditions at any time.
We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use, alter, and reproduce the Items globally, indefinitely, within the bounds of this license:
- You’re allowed unlimited use for personal projects that don’t involve financial gain, profit, or commercial benefits from the Items obtained from
- Redistribution, resale, sharing, or transferring of the Item(s), either freely or commercially, is forbidden.
- The Items must not be used for creating merchandise for sale, commercial endeavors, logo creation, nor can you claim copyright or trademark over any Items.
- All Items come as they are, with no guarantee, including, but not limited to, warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, or suitability for a particular purpose.
- Neither the creators of the Items nor assure that the Items will fit your specific needs or uses. The risk regarding the Items’ quality, performance, and application lies entirely with you.
For inquiries about this licensing policy, please reach out to us here.